
The article evaluates the financial performance of domestic enterprises, sources of financing of assets and efficiency of their placement, and the main parameters of the implementation of the payment discipline. The trends of exponential smoothing of the growth rates of accounts payable and receivable in GDP for 2024–2025 are built It is noted that the low provision of enterprises with financial resources is accompanied by an unsatisfactory level of their use, and the problems of payment discipline of enterprises, including industrial ones, are confirmed by the growth of the financial risk ratio. Conducting and developing domestic business in the face of martial law challenges sets new requirements for ensuring its sustainability and sustainable development. Particularly relevant in the current environment is the ability to respond quickly to external changes, continuously adapt to modern business conditions, solve financial support problems, increase the efficiency of using available financial resources and diversify funding sources. Solving these issues is one of the main conditions for the survival of enterprises, determining the prospects for their sustainable and balanced development, the management strategy of which should be implemented taking into account the requirements of ensuring economic security, diagnostics and continuous monitoring of implementation. the results of financial diagnostics of the state of domestic enterprises and their extrapolation into business analytics are the basis for making effective strategic financial decisions. The article highlights the need to extrapolate the results of diagnostics of financial security, increase the efficiency of financial resources, and ensure the financial security of Ukrainian enterprises into the processes of business analysis. We believe that insufficient attention has been paid to extrapolating the results of financial condition diagnostics, ensuring the financial security of enterprises, modeling their development prospects, and creating an attractive investment climate into business analysis. These issues are especially relevant for the organization of management of businesses operating under martial law and bringing our Victory closer.

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