
The article considers the dynamics of the lifestyle of nomads-reindeer herders of Yakutia under the influence of transformation processes that took place during the 20 th century. It is shown that changes in political and socio-economic realities have changed the environment of nomadic life twice. It is noted that in the 1930-1960-ies reindeer herding in the Republic was influenced by the policy of mass collectivization of farms and transfer to settlement residence. It is indicated that the Soviet modernization of the village has become a significant challenge for the nomads: direct administrative pressure was exerted both in the socialization and in the transfer to a sedentary lifestyle. Particularly long-term preservation of nomadism in Yakutia as a way of life determined by the peculiarities of traditional reindeer husbandry in the Republic is highlighted. The authors states that the position of the official authorities in relation to the traditional economy of nomads only as to commodity sector of the agricultural sector devalued the cultural values of nomadic communities. It is emphasized that the transformation of lifestyle caused the crisis of the nomadic family, interrupted the continuity of generations in the nomadic communities, contributed to the discrimination of the culture of nomadic ethnic groups. It is indicated that the return of nomadic tribal communities in the 1990-ies was a form of ethnic self-organization of Yakutia reindeer herders.


  • Авторы считают позицию официальной власти по отношению к традиционному хозяйству кочевников только как к товарной отрасли аграрного сектора обесценивающей культурные ценности кочевых сообществ

  • © Suleymanov Aleksandr Albertovich (2019), orcid.org/0000-0001-8746-258X, PhD in History, senior research scientist, Department of History and Ethno-Sociology of Arctic, Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North, Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Yakutsk, Russia), alexas1306@gmail.com

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Одним из драматических примеров трансформации традиционного образа и уклада жизни коренных народов является судьба кочевого образа жизни оленеводов Якутии в ХХ веке. Имеется достаточное количество исследований по истории кочевого образа жизни в Якутии, которые начинаются с имен зачинателей российской антропологии Севера, таких как В. Что к настоящему времени изучены основные тенденции изменений в пространстве жизнедеятельности коренных малочисленных народов Севера Якутии во второй половине ХХ века [Филиппова, 2007], следует признать, что социальная история советских поселений для вчерашних кочевников остается малоисследованной в региональной историографии.

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