
The article is devoted to the subject only fragmentarily developed in the national historiography, especially in regard to its regional dimension. The study is conducted on materials of three regional and one federal archives of Russia: the State archive of the Sverdlovsk region, the Russian state archive of economics, Territorial body of Federal state statistics service for Sverdlovsk region and the Centre of documentation of public organizations of Sverdlovsk region with the assistance of the scientific and publicistic literature. The relevance of the topic is determined by its known importance for the social sciences, especially history, sociology and law. Scientific novelty of the work is seen in the fact that the new materials discovered by the author in these archives are introduced into scientific usage. It is argued that industrial discipline and criminality as social phenomena are traditionally researched by representatives of sciences such as law and sociology. It is stated that only several works can be mentioned within the historians’ works dedicated to the problems studied in the article within the USSR and the Sverdlovsk region in the specified period. It is declared that the choice of the research subject, in addition to a lack of historical research, is caused by the very significant role of rail transport in the economy. It is noted that one of the features of rail transport is the concentration in the sphere of its operation the large amounts of wealth. It is emphasized that the very specific nature of the functioning of the railways places high demands on the discipline of their personnel. It is proved that in the studied period the USSR was slowly overcoming the consequences of the Great Patriotic war. It is concluded that on the railroad the level of discipline was somewhat higher, and the level of crime was lower than in other sectors of the economy.


  • Статья посвящена лишь фрагментарно разработанной в отечественной историографии теме, особенно в том, что касается ее регионального аспекта

  • It is argued that industrial discipline and criminality as social phenomena are traditionally researched by representatives of sciences such as law and sociology

  • It is stated that only several works can be mentioned within the historians’ works dedicated to the problems studied in the article within the USSR and the Sverdlovsk region in the specified period

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Число аварий

Число нарушений Правил технической эксплуатации Количество погибших Количество раненых Количество самовольных уходов с работы Количество прогулов Повреждено и разбито вагонов Повреждено паровозов Повреждено путей, м Перерыв движения поездов, час Убыток, руб. Нельзя не сказать, что дисциплина работников СвЖД поддерживалась (как, собственно, и в других отраслях) в основном репрессивными методами. Что главными виновниками аварийности на железной дороге в исследуемом периоде (как, впрочем, и во все времена) были... Также нередко милиция и прокуратура СвЖД подвергали граждан (в том числе и железнодорожников) незаконным арестам и задержаниям: только в 1948 году были освобождены из-под стражи как необоснованно задержанные 142 человека [ЦДООСО, ф. Буквально на протяжении одного квартала ситуация с хищениями на СвЖД радикально изменилась в лучшую сторону: число хищений грузов снизилось почти в 3,5. Раза, весовых недостач — почти вдвое, а хищения и недостачи в собственной материально-технической службе (МТС) почти что сошли на нет. Хищения и недостачи на Свердловской железной дороге в IV квартале 1948-го — I квартале 1949 года.

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