
The article considers the informative value of the documents in the Saxon Main State Archive (Dresden, Germany) about persecution and restrictions during the First World War against the “enemy aliens”, subjects of the Russian Empire. The main idea in the documents of the archive funds is the rationale for the need of civilian captivity to ensure national security. The archive funds contain information about how the persecution of “enemy aliens” began in Germany, reveal the specifics in the situation with such categories of civilian captives as the interned and confined ones. The documents illustrate the position that the policy of internment is a mirror policy. It depends on the decisions of the government of the Russian Empire in regard to German subjects, who were deported and interned on the territory of Russia. There is an important information is contained on possible ways of humanitarian support for Russian civilian prisoners. The analysis of documents confirms that the least studied segment of the phenomenon of civilian captivity during the First World War is their repatriation

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