
The article deals with the reconstruction for the distribution geography of the distribution of the four editions of the printed Moscow Gospel in the 1630s. The corpus of the sales records of the Receipt Books of the Book Printing Department served as the main source for the study; the records are now kept in the Russian State Archives of Ancient Acts (F.1182). Over the course of ten years, the representatives of all estates had made more than a thousand purchases of the Gospels, most of which remained in the capital. However, a significant number of the Gospels were dispersed around the country. The source study analysis using the quantitative method made it possible to reveal the wide information potential of the sales records and to form a holistic picture of the distribution of a printed book in 8 historical and geographical regions. Most of the customers were recorded from the Zamoskovny and Zaotsky regions, which suffered more than other areas during the Time of Troubles and then developed most actively. The research made it possible to confirm the leading role of the ancient cultural and economic centers in the dissemination of the printed Scripture, the buyers of which were mainly urban representatives. It turned out that significant purchases were often made by those cities which, during the Time of Troubles, were subjected to the most severe devastation and in subsequent years made great progress.

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