
Program and target planning of tourism in rural areas can be defined as management on a systematic basis, focused on achieving a specific end result in solving the problem of development of business entities, as well as the entire tourism sector, territory in a pre-established time frame with the use of measures, methods, techniques and tools of political, regulatory, financial, economic, social, environmental, production, research, information and other nature, formed in a certain sequence and agreed on resources and performers. The use of the program-target method in the management of tourism activities in rural areas and ensuring the development of problem areas is due to the following circumstances: 1) the need to reduce structural imbalances in the economy and unfavorable trends in the development of the socio-economic sphere; 2) a set of socio-economic, natural, environmental and scientific and technical problems that require interregional and intersectoral coordination of program activities; 3) the inability to achieve the necessary Development Goals on the basis of established relationships between management levels, business entities, etc.; 4) the need for coordinated use of material and financial resources of various territorial, sectoral departmental and other affiliations. The use of the program-target method for the sustainable socio-economic development of rural green tourism is an important organizational and economic mechanism for managing territories, which is aimed at solving priority system-forming and capital-intensive problems of both the industry and the region, requiring significant amounts of material, information and other resources, labor costs carried out with the participation of many enterprises and organizations. The programs are convenient for recording and monitoring the progress of work and the use of resources and allow you to organize a clear interaction between participants in their development and implementation. At the same time, program-target management is one of the most complex management methods. This is due to the fact that managed objects, as a rule, belong to different branches of the national economy, are not subordinate to each other, have different own goals of functioning and development, differ in the level of economic development, technical equipment and provision of material and financial resources. Accordingly, the success of the rural tourism development program depends on intermediate results. Therefore, the use of programs in the management of economic and social processes requires organizational work during their entire life cycle and strengthening control over both the industry, the business entity, and the processes accompanying their development. Thus, the use of the program-target method in managing the economy of tourism activities is the management of social development of the region, which becomes a decisive organizational factor.

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