
The formation of a strategy for the development of rural green tourism and its infrastructure is an important condition for creating an attractive investment climate in this area, the formation of motivation for rural residents. The purpose of the article is to study the main aspects of building a strategy for infrastructure support of rural green tourism enterprises in modern conditions. The results of the analysis of the given strategic directions of development of tourist infrastructure show that a small part of the Strategy is devoted to substantiation of future actions of the state for support and development of rural green tourism. The article presents a model of development of local infrastructure of rural green tourism. Rural tourism is an important factor in the development and intensification of depressed areas of rural areas and the fullness of local budgets. Increased domestic tourist flows can reduce unemployment, raise the regional economy, improve the living standards of local people and reduce the imbalance between urban and rural life. However, the growth of rural tourism can also have negative consequences for rural areas, especially for the environment. Increased tourism in rural areas poses an increasing risk of air, water and land pollution through the construction of tourism infrastructure and facilities, as well as losses from tourism operations that meet the needs of tourists.

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