
Purpose. Street art has exploded: it pervades our back alleys, surrounds us at bus-stops, covers billboards, competes with advertising and generally serves as urban wallpaper in most cities. But what is street art? A far cry from mere graffiti, street art has gained some social acceptance, but it remains neither officially sanctioned like public art, nor institutionally condoned, like its more traditional artistic cousins in museums. Somewhere in between these two extremes, street art has emerged, occupying a metaphysically suspect grey area between illegal activity and bona fide art. This paper explores the nature of this emerging art form. Methods. The basis of the presented research was the following methods: analysis, synthesis, system analysis, deductive method and the method of comparative law. Results. Street art in modern society is a fairly popular type of activity, but there is no legal regulation of this area directly. The question is raised about the need to improve the methods of protecting the rights of authors to modern works of art and, in particular, to street art. There is a need for regulatory legal regulation in the field of copyright protection in the field of street art. It is proposed to clarify the existing legal norms in the field of intellectual property law, and in particular in the category of copyright, or to fill in the gaps by using the general principles of civil law. The problems of the implementation of copyright on the works of street art are studied, a distinction is made between legal and illegal works of street art. Discussion. The issue of creating separate regulations governing street art is quite controversial today. Taking into account the popularization of this area every day more and more, this problem is becoming more acute, it is necessary to understand how street art figures protect their violated rights and legitimate interests

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