
Introduction . In the given article we regard separate aspects of conflicts in the pedagogical activity namely the general signs, the peculiarities, the types of such conflicts, the reasons and ways of settling them. Purpose . The purpose of the research is to provide a theoretical substantiation of pedagogical foundations for preventing and resolving conflicts in the educational and educational environment of a higher educational institution and the expe- rimental verification of the system of the implementation of the conflictological preparation of future teachers. Methods . The main methods are analysis, comparison, comparison, systematization of scientific literature on problem issues related to conflict situations in pedagogical activity. Results. Forecasting and preventing conflicts is a prerequisite for their prevention. Conflict prevention requires the ability to manage the conflict resolution process until it develops into an open confrontation. Disclosure of psychological mechanisms for the emergence and resolution of interpersonal conflicts, external stimuli and internal motives that lead to conflicts, the development of optimal techniques for resolving conflict situations to increase the efficiency of the entire educational process and the quality of higher education institutions are important for the participants in the pedagogical process. Originality . Improvement of conditions for the prevention of conflicts in pedagogical interaction in a higher educational institution by means of diagnosing subjective and objective factors of the emergence of conflicts in the pedagogical team and strategic actions based on the prevention of conflicts. Conclusion . Readiness to work in conflict situations is one of the conditions for organizing a pedagogically expedient interaction in the system of teacher-listener. By the content of the pedagogical decision can find out the depth of the teacher's penetration into the essence of pedagogical problems, the quality of analysis of pedagogical situations, their comprehension and understanding. An assessment of the quality of the decisions made helps to determine the level of proficiency of the teacher.

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