
Introduction. One of the reasons for ordering the reconstruction of a road or part of it is the deterioration of the safety of traffic flows, as a result of which the number of victims and material losses in road traffic accidents (traffic accidents) increases. Interchanges at the same level have the greatest influence on the traffic intensity on the highway, as traffic flows are redistributed at them. Depending on the intensity of traffic on them, the maximum possible intensity of traffic on the road section as a whole will be determined. Problem statement. The analysis of determining the need for road reconstruction in accordance with the regulations established the need to justify and clarify traffic intensity data, according to which it is necessary to assign a road reconstruction and determine the period of effective operation of the road, for this it is necessary to conduct a number of traffic flow studies. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study the patterns of traffic flows at traffic junctions at the same level and the relationship of the characteristics of traffic flows to each other. The methodology of an experimental study of traffic flow patterns at traffic intersections at one level consists in surveying the real conditions of traffic flows, namely, the traffic intervals between cars on the sections of the race between the intersections with a traffic intensity of 300 to 600 vehicles per hour per lane, to further establish the dependence of the availability and number of free movement intervals in the traffic flow.

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