
In the current economic conditions, it is impossible to ensure the effective functioning of the national economy of the country, the rational use of all types of resources without a modern mechanism for managing innovation activity that adequately responds to various changes in the external environment. The solution of this problem is especially important in such an industry as industry, which is the basis for the innovative development of any modern economy, both in the current period of time and in the long term. In this regard, the object of research is the innovative activity of industrial enterprises, and the subject of the research is the increase in the efficiency of innovative activity and rationalization of the content of its individual elements based on the use of a systematic approach. The purpose of this research is to propose and substantiate the content of the principles that ensure the effective functioning of the innovation management mechanism of industrial enterprises. The methodological basis of the research is a systematic approach, a comparative analysis of statistical indicators, and an analytical method. As a result of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that the formation of a modern mechanism for managing innovation in industry should be based on a number of principles. The practical implementation of the principles of long-term target orientation, unity of control actions, advanced innovative development, timely response to changes in the external environment will make it possible to form such a mechanism for managing innovation in industry that would effectively solve the problems of long-term development of enterprises in a rapidly changing business environment. The effectiveness of such a mechanism’s functioning is determined by its ability to ensure the process of introducing innovations at industrial enterprises at minimal cost, using the material, labor, financial and information resources available to them in the most rational way.

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