
The scientific article is devoted to the research and analysis of operational risk issues in modern conditions. The article examines the emergence of the concept of «operational risk» and its transformation under the influence of evolutionary processes and changes. Due to rapid technological advancements and changes in the socio-economic environment, the profile of operational risks for banks has also undergone significant changes. The identification and analysis of factors that have the greatest impact on qualitative and quantitative changes in the profile of operational risks are important tasks for financial institutions. One of the main drivers of changes in risk profiles is the process of digitization in the banking industry. The use of modern information and communication technologies in the banking sector significantly facilitates operations but also leads to new types of risks such as technological failures, cyber-attacks, and theft of confidential information. Another factor that significantly influences the profile of operational risks is the COVID-19 pandemic. The global pandemic has posed a major challenge to the banking sector as it has resulted in significant changes in the way banking services are provided, leading to the emergence of new operational risks. In particular, the implementation of quarantine restrictions and the transition to remote work have prompted banks to review their operational procedures and ways of interacting with clients. This has increased the risk associated with technological flaws, inadequate cybersecurity, and data storage problems. Additionally, the deployment of full-scale warfare caused by military aggression from Russia has a serious impact on operational risk. In such circumstances, banks face significant difficulties in ensuring the security of their assets, carrying out operations, and ensuring the normal functioning of the financial system as a whole. The military conflict has led to instability in the economic environment, a significant decrease in trust in financial institutions, and threats to the solvency of banks. In light of the growing threats of operational risk, the question of improving methods and tools for managing it becomes even more relevant. Banks need to carefully analyze their operational processes, identify potential risks, and develop effective strategies to minimize these risks.

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