
In the post-COVID-19 era, hybrid learning has become the order of the day for universities as well, wherein online classes are combined with face-to-face classes in university education. This study proposes an educational method using a hybrid model in the university liberal arts Korean classes for foreign students. The pros and cons of purely online education and hybrid education were first examined, followed by an analysis of the current status of hybrid courses and programs in foreign countries. Based on the analysis, a plan was proposed for application in the university liberal arts Korean language classes. Specifically, a step-by-step teaching/ learning situation was devised by applying the hybrid model to the listening skills class, where foreign students learn Korean. After conducting the class by applying the hybrid model, a questionnaire survey on learners showed that class satisfaction and academic achievement were high. The proposed method of hybrid learning can therefore enable academic Korean learners to achieve more effective learning and satisfaction in Korean language classes.

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