
The demand for eco-tourism is increasing in the world. The government plans to increase the attendance of protected areas. Due to this goalit is necessary to choose new 丨ocations and pay attention to the deve丨opmentstrat- egy of eco-tourism in the regions. There is a sufficient number of such territories in the Urals. These are national parks: Yugyd-Va, Pripyshminsky forests, Deer Streams, Taganay and all show a steady increase in attendance. Covid restrictions without doubt have negatively affected their visit, but they can be used for additional positioning of domestic tourism of an ecological orientation. To do this, one needs to know the potential consumer. They can be not only residents of neighboring territories, but also foreign tourists. The ways to solve the problems of ecological tourism development in the Urals are possible through: creating an accessible and comfortable environment for tourism development, improving the quality, safety and competitiveness of products formed in the field of ecological and adventure tourism, promoting tourist products in the domestic and international tourism markets. The mechanisms for solving the tasks set are seen in the creation of modern infrastructure, including on the territory of national parks with the involvement of private investors. It is necessary to ensure the systematic development of tourist facilities, offer a wide range of tours aimed at different target groups. At the moment, many territories are betting on the development of tourism. As the analysis of the programs has shown, they are not sufficiently systematic; they have overestimated the return on tourism. As a consequence, the issue of developing performance criteria for certain projects and the formation of different business models focused either on specialized enterprises or on several specialized or undeveloped territories are paramount. After all, there is a high risk of non-return of capital in tourism. This may stop potential investors. It would not be correct to assume that tourism can solve all the problems of the region, but taking into account current trends, it can be one of the points of economic growth and investment inflow

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