
In the article, we analyzed the interaction of language and nation. We have reviewed works that reveal the problem of speech markers and sociolinguistic disputes. The aim of our article was to analyze the features of ethnolinguistic identification of representatives of the language group of Ukraine – "Ruthenians". We used a descriptive method. In the article we considered a pseudoscientific direction – neorusyn, which functions in the territory of modern Transcarpathia and beyond the boundaries of Ukraine, where the settlers from the West Ukrainian lands live compactly. We analysed the situation that was formed in the Transcarpathian region since the end of the XIX century and continues to the present time. Rusyn language is a pseudo-scientific hypothesis which is directed at the disintegration of society. With the help of manipulation schemes, is fulfiled the replacement of concept. The Ruthenian language is a pseudo-scientific hypothesis aimed at disintegrating society. During the period of Ukraine's independence, there was no effective language policy that regulated various pseudo-scientific and pseudo-historical movements that threaten the integrity of the state. The neo-Russian movement originated in the 1950s. At this time, Ukrainians living in Galicia, Bukovina, Transcarpathia, Nadsyannia, Kholm, Presov, began to resist the totalitarian regime of Soviet rule. According to chronicles, it can be convincingly stated that the proper name of Russia in the X – XIII centuries. was related exclusively to the lands of modern Kyiv. The ethnonym Rus is a collective noun, from which the derived ethnonym Rusyn was formed with the help of the suffix -in.

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