
The article is devoted to identifying the deepest, system causes of corruption that make it impossible to combat it effectively. It clarifies the concept of corruption and reveals the specificity of its system causes related to the conflict of interests of managers and the ones who are managed, the policy of the ruling elite, which does not properly perform its function of control over managers or covertly indulges in the creation of a corrupt environment, which, according to the laws of synergetic, reproduces this managerial dysfunction. It is shown that in Russia the emergence of system causes of corruption is associated with the moral and social degradation of the Soviet nomenklatura elite and a sharp weakening of control over politicians and officials in the early post-Soviet period, the failure of the ruling elite to fulfill its system functions to combat destructive phenomena, the actual creation of a hidden state mechanism for encouraging corruption. The most important ways to eliminate the system causes of corruption in modern Russia are outlined.

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