
Modern demographic processes in Russia are characterized by high mortality of the population at economically active ages resulting in significant losses of the labor potential of the country and its regions. This requires an adequate assessing these losses and creating measures to reduce them. Thus, the aim of the study has been to develop the methodological tools for assessing the demographic losses of labor potential in a region due to the mortality of the population at economically active ages. The hypothesis of the study is that the volume of the loss of labor potential has regional differences; it is also determined both by reduction of the number of economically active population due to mortality and by a decrease in the duration of working lifetime. The analysis of the evolution of theoretical approaches to the research of labor potential is carried out. Based on a systematic approach to its study, the structure of labor potential and its main elements are highlighted. The authors have also analyzed the methodological approaches available in Russian and foreign literature to assessing the impact of various factors on the risk of premature mortality and its consequences for the labor market and the economy as a whole. Due to the review above, the authors justify the analysis of data on age-specific mortality tables by region, and the construction of employment tables based on the methodology of the stationary population as the main methods of studying the demographic losses of labor potential. For estimating the demographic losses of labor potential, we have addressed the statistical database of Rosstat for the Russian Federation regions included in the Ural Federal District as of 2019. The authors’ methodological approach makes it possible to assess the demographic losses of labor potential in a region due to the premature mortality of the population, and to search for effective socioeconomic policy tools to reduce those, taking into account regional differences.

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