
In this work, we evaluated the exterior of a breed group of dogs «shalayka» in the number of 41 individuals belonging to «Aeroflot – Russian Airlines». Animals of different age groups, different sexes and with different percentage of jackal-dog hybrids' blood were used for the study. To evaluate the exterior of jackal-hoofed bastards, data were collected on the biometric body measurements of the animals and their visual evaluation. The evaluation was carried out according to the exterior traits, fixed in the standard of the breed group of the Russian Cynological Federation. The data were collected taking into account the most desirable exterior traits mentioned by the creator of the breed group, as well as practically significant ones. Their description was carried out according to the method of Yevgeny L. Yerusalimsky. The exterior variability of the mutts from the visual point of view is not as high as one would expect from a population of working dogs in which no systematic breeding work on exteriors was carried out. The hybrids have a physiological exterior, without deviations typical of domestic dog breeds. The animals have no defects and features not typical for the breed group in relation to the biomechanical model of dogs and the standard of the breed group of the Russian Cynology Federation. However, the results of the visual evaluation revealed a small number of practically significant traits that have high variability and most deviate from the standard.

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