
 The article deals with the investigation of conceptual metaphors as a means of realizing SELF-ALIENATION concept in the English science fiction. The study is based on the conceptual metaphor theory which states that metaphors incorporate thought, language and speech (Lakoff &Johnson, 2003). Conceptual metaphor modelling appears to be productive to analyze the structure of metaphors, since it is based on the interrelation between source and target domains and their mapping. SELF-ALIENATION concept is characterized by the range of conceptual metaphor models, among which SELF IS CONTAINER, SELF IS DISCLOSURE, SELF IS LIQUID and SELF IS DIGITAL UNIT are most frequently used in the English science fiction. SELF IS CONTAINER model is represented by the lexemes ‘personality’, ‘body’, ‘identity’ and ‘individuality’ which best represent the essence of the SELF-ALIENATION concept revealing implicit author’s intentions.


  • The article deals with the investigation of conceptual metaphors as a means of realizing SELF-ALIENATION concept in the English science fiction

  • Що метафора є, перш за все, структурою, яка допомагає нам розуміти складні абстрактні поняття за допомогою більш конкретних концептів із простішою структурою (Cognitive linguistics: basic readings, 2006: 232)

  • The air got too full, once, of chemicals, rays, radiation, the water swarmed with toxic molecules, all of that takes years to clean up, and they creep into your body, camp out in your fatty cells.” (Atwood, 1985: 129) – заповзати у тіло; - “A good officer; after Tung, probably his best. What would he not give to dive into that lithe body and lose himself now? Too late, he’d lost his option.” (Bujold, 1989: 12) – зануритися у тіло; 2) вмістилище, у якому відбуваються процеси: - “‘You will continue to breathe, and blood will continue to flow through your body, but you will remain fixed in position.” (Reynolds, 2008: 294-295) – протікати у тілі; - “‘I hope we did the right thing,’ I said, staring at the spectacle with a feeling somewhere between horror and exhilaration

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The article deals with the investigation of conceptual metaphors as a means of realizing SELF-ALIENATION concept in the English science fiction. Незважаючи на те, що феномен самовідчуження отримує відображення у багатьох сферах життя людини, концепт SELF-ALIENATION / САМОВІДЧУЖЕННЯ, за допомогою якого реалізовується даний феномен, продовжує залишатися одним із найбільш малодосліджених концептів у англомовному художньому дискурсі.

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