
The article is dedicated to the memory of one of the outstanding Dagestani Islamic scholars Salih Shabanovich Muslimov, who passed away in 2022, and who was supposed to turn 85 this year. Some less-known facts from his biography are presented, his active stand in life, public ac-tivities, in-depth knowledge of Islamic issues and of the religious and political situation in the Re-public of Dagestan are noted. Among his achievements are the work of the Dagestani branch of the Russian Humanist Society, of which he was chairman, the publication of Voice of Reason, the first philosophical journal in the republic, his impeccable work as an academic secretary of the disserta-tion council on philosophical sciences at DSU, and a member of the editorial board of the academic journal “Islamic Studies”, etc. In his numerous academic works, of which there are more than 300, he repeatedly raised the most acute and urgent problems of Dagestan and Russia as a whole. In his research, he warned of some disturbing trends in Dagestan society. At the same time, he managed to maintain, including on the pages of the press, his research correctness and political equidistance with respect to all parties to the conflict.

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