
The article analyzes the problem of attitude towards the comic in Islam. The author proceeds from the fact that the basis of the comic is the fixation of the inconsistency or contradiction between the norms and dogmas of Islam and various manifestations of social life and, in particular, the behavior of individual believers. The differences between the two main comic genres in Islamic Arab culture – humor and satire – are analyzed. It has been established that the comic is based on the thesis about the divine origin of the human ability to laugh. Therefore, Islam does not prohibit the comic as such, but limits it by separating permitted and prohibited subjects for laughter. The latter include everything sacred related to creed and religious norms of behavior. It has been proven that different comic genres perform different functions in Islam. Humor acts as a means of popularizing and hu-manizing religious teachings, as a soft tool for the moral improvement of a Muslim (including laughing at oneself). Satire acts as a means of sharp criticism of an imperfect society, the fight against the deep depravity and apostasy of some Muslims, as well as a means of protecting the doc-trine from aggressive attacks of atheists and people of other faiths.

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