
The article presents an analysis of the Soviet historiography of the partisan movement in Siberia in the late 1950s–1980s. The processes of overcoming the consequences of the cult of personality in historical science, the revival and development of the Leninist concept of the Civil War are studied. Its influence on the content of research is characterized. Their main directions and results are identified. It is noted that a lot of work has been done to introduce new sources into scientific circulation. The scope of research has expanded, and the number of publications has significantly increased. Positive results were achieved in studying formation, structure, strength, deployment of partisan detachments and formations, their participation in warfare, authority organisation in partisan areas, and the struggle of political groups in the partisan movement. However, the preservation of ideological dogmas prevented objective and comprehensive studies of such a complex, multifaceted phenomenon as the partisan movement in Siberia. Contrary to reality, influence of the Bolshevik Party and the Bolshevik underground on formation and development of the movement was significantly exaggerated. The questions about partisan terror, criminal component of the movement, and relations between partisans and the indigenous population remained outside the scope of research. The partisans’ relations with the local population, their political moods and orientations were biased. Therefore, Soviet historians failed to create an objective and complete picture of the partisan movement in Siberia during the Civil War. At the same time, modern researchers should not ignore the Soviet legacy, they should rely on its positive results.

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