
As a result of the scientific research, the author's development of a generalized scheme of the mechanism for providing unified public services is presented, while the electronic system of unified public services is presented in the form of three main blocks: a pre-order processing block; block of the main order processing; block of the organization of the provision of services. An enlarged scheme of the mechanism for processing an order for a public service has been developed. The main areas of activity of the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form are the optimization of procedures for the provision of state and municipal services, as well as services provided by budget organizations (budget services) using information technology, and the improvement of the information technology infrastructure of e-government. As a result of the use of certain software designed to process the established type of order, the type of service is identified, followed by its registration and execution of the order. It is noted that in case of disagreement with the reasons for not providing the service, or providing a low-quality service, the client has the right to file a complaint. The complaint is considered by the system in a semi-automatic mode with the involvement of expert experts in the affected area. The author's development of a mechanism for processing customer complaints about not providing a service, or providing a low-quality service, is presented.

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