
The relevance of this study is determined by a significant increase in the share of state and municipal services provided in electronic form, which entails the need to comprehend a new format of interaction between citizens and authorities. It should be recognized that today the basic principles of such integration require revision, since they do not meet the digital realities of Russian society. The use of digital technologies should be aimed not only at improving the quality of services provided to the population, digitalization should become a tool for solving a key task – improving the quality of life of the region's population, which, in the opinion of the authors, can be achieved through the gradual introduction of the principle of human-sizedness.The purpose of this publication is to define the principles of interaction between citizens and authorities in when providing state and municipal services in the context of digitalization of public administration.Objectives: determination of the declared goals of digitalization of state and municipal management based on the analysis of regulatory and legal documentation; assessment of expert reflection on the main trends of digitalization of state and municipal management.Metodology. The research methodology is based on the analysis of regulatory and legal sources regulating the process of transferring state and municipal services to digital format, in order to determine the state vision of the prospects for digitalization of the management system, as well as focus group surveys that allowed experts to assess the vision of these processes.The results of this study led to the conclusion that the main direction in the federal agenda of digital transformation is a comprehensive, proactive solution of living situations of citizens and business through the quality provision of state and municipal services in an electronic format.Conclusions. Analysis leads to the conclusion that in the context of digitalization of public administration, the principle of human-sizedness should become the main principle of improving the quality of the provision of state and municipal services.

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