
The origin of the international patent and license exchange in the first quarter of the 20th century. and its dynamic development after the Second World War reflect the level of evolutionary development of capitalist productive forces and production relations achieved at that time. Thanks to the international patent and license exchange, one of the key economic contradictions of the global innovative progress is leveled, namely: between the huge costs of companies and firms for conducting fundamental and applied R&D, on the one hand, and their accelerated moral aging and constant renewal of the global nomenclature of high-tech goods and services , from the second. The achievement by business structures of such strategic goals of competitive development in the conditions of technoglobalism as extending the life cycle of generated innovative developments and maximizing returns on invested capital by granting licenses for their use to their foreign structural divisions and independent companies, obtaining a share in the equity capital should not be discounted. of the latter, combining the transfer of innovative developments with the supply of own equipment. International patent and license exchange under the conditions of deepening techno-globalization processes is a powerful driver of global economic development based on the elimination of cross-border barriers in the global dissemination of knowledge and technologies and the development of a global innovation space. This opens technologically backward countries and regions unlimited access to the achievements of Western civilization in the field of science and innovation, as well as the possibility of including their national companies in global scientific and technological networks formed on the basis of structural divisions of multinational enterprises. As a result, the national policies of most countries of the world in the field of regulation of international patent and license exchange are increasingly drifting towards the creation of favorable organizational, economic, administrative and institutional conditions for innovative support for stimulating macroeconomic growth.

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