
The article defines and scientifically substantiates theoretical foundations of the phenomenon of «hybrid war». The basic components of the concept of «hybrid war» are defined, which are based on such strategic actions as hidden external intervention without a formal declaration of war, neglect of international standards of warfare and existing agreements, secret use of special forces, confrontation in cyber space (propaganda, counterpropaganda). The essence of the concept of «hybrid war» is clarified to characterize modern military strategies, conflicts and increase the effectiveness of measures to counter these threats.The implementation of «non-military» measures of Russia in relation to Ukraine has been traced, within the framework of theoretical and legal analysis of the concept of «hybrid war». Researches and strategies of national security experts have identified some of Russia’s most significant actions against Ukraine, based on political pressure priorities, conducting information warfare, and reducing Ukraine’s military and economic potential by defeating critical military and civilian infrastructure.

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