
Purpose: to determine the features of the ecological requirements of cotton to growth conditions. Discussion. To expand the area of cotton growing in Russia, it is necessary to solve the problems of acclimatization and zoning of cotton, since this crop has its own specific agro-requirements for growth conditions. The main factors influencing the development and productivity of a crop are temperature, moisture, light, soil, nutrient regime, and terrain. It has been determined that the minimum soil temperature at which cotton seeds germinate is 10–12 °C, the optimum air temperature for plant development is approximately 25–30 °C, but not higher than 36 °C, since cotton is depressed. It is drought tolerant but requires irrigation to increase yield. Cotton needs evenly diffused sunlight. The light regime is regulated by the seeding rate, the seeding method and the direction of rows. The best soils are loamy; heavy clay soils are suitable, but costly to improve water-physical properties; soils with a close occurrence of groundwater are of little use. Saline soils are suitable for chloride-sulfate salinization with a salt content of no more than 0.4 %, and for sodium sulfate – no more than 0.8 %. The content of exchangeable sodium in soil should not exceed 5 % of the total soil absorption complex. To form 1 ton of raw cotton, 50–60 kg of nitrogen, 10–15 kg of phosphorus, 50–60 kg of potassium and 50 kg of calcium are required. The flat surface is the most favorable for cotton cultivation. Conclusions. Knowledge of the ecological requirements for cotton will make it possible to assess the feasibility of cultivating this crop in a particular area.

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