
The statement of the problem in the sphere of juvenile delinquency is conditioned by the events that have taken place over the last three years. The epidemiological situation in the country and in the world, the special military operation in Ukraine and the changes in the socio-economic sphere that followed in connection with it not only in the Tambov region but also in Russia influenced crime statistics as well as the measures of their prevention. The purpose is to research the trend of crimes committed by minors, their number and category, as well as to create a model for their prevention. The methodological basis is formed by such modern general scientific methods and techniques of cognition as system method, method of analysis, statistical, formal-legal and comparative-legal methods, etc. The research is based on the main normative-legal methods. The main normative legal acts regulating the activities of law enforcement agencies, as well as crime prevention measures are considered. The analysis of crime statistics for the last three years (2020–2022) is carried out, the increase in the commission of crimes of medium gravity, as well as the interest of minors in engaging in extremist activities is highlighted. It is established that the complexity of measures, the exclusion of formalism in the carried out work, as well as an individual approach contribute to a fruitful prevention of crimes among juvenile, reduce involvement in extremist activities.

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