
Having declared a firm and irreversible course for European integration, Ukraine continues to increase the pace of bringing its national law enforcement system to modern world and European standards, which is, in turn, a positive and very important indicator of the state's development in a democratic direction. The main guidelines in this process, in addition to national, historical and legal traditions, should be international legal standards that allow building Ukrainian statehood and its legal system openly and transparently in interaction with foreign and international law, by borrowing and using modern progressive foreign legal concepts , doctrines, ideas, generally recognized international principles, norms, standards.
 The implementation of international legal standards into the Ukrainian national law enforcement system began immediately after the declaration of Ukraine's independence and continued for thirty years, but it is now necessary to accelerate this process by means of a constant and scrupulous search in international legal sources, which become more and more every year more and more, new democratic directions of the functioning of judicial and law enforcement bodies, the latest forms and means of guaranteeing and protecting human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests.
 In addition to the analysis of the sources of international law, it is necessary to follow the scientific work of well-known foreign and domestic specialists, who in their works can offer modern and effective methods and techniques of borrowing international legal standards in the activities of national law enforcement agencies. This is also a significant way and method of solving the main issue of bringing the Ukrainian law enforcement system up to modern world and European standards. However, there cannot be an ill-conceived and simple mechanical transfer of an international standard or foreign experience of their implementation into national law enforcement systems, since our state is an original country with its own history, culture, mentality, its own way of developing law and legal system, which combine general civilizational and specific , trends peculiar only to Ukraine.
 In this regard, there is an urgent need to analyze the existing domestic and foreign developments regarding the borrowing of international legal standards as a methodological basis for the creation and improvement of the national law enforcement system, the development of acceptable for Ukraine procedures and mechanisms for the implementation of positive elements of the organization and activity of law enforcement agencies, which determines the need to conduct relevant scientific research.

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