
The article defines a significant role in shaping the philosophical foundations of the value of world picture for a person on the current stage of historical development of the global world. Neomythological ideological values can be a constructive element in overcoming the crisis of globalization, they can help a man to return to his spiritual roots and give an adequate responses to the challenges of modern civilization. The critical state of culture makes a man to look for the new ideological orientations. Consequently, investigation, understanding of mythological and neomythological explanation of the world becomes acute and actual scientific problem. Analysis of publications reflects that mythological foundations of different cultural models were investigated in numerous scientific works, but neomythological process in the modern Ukrainian society revealed fragmentary. The results of the article reflect that in the Postmodern period searching of new spirit values and axiological moduses is released due returning to a tradition. The author concludes that the deep spiritual foundation of cultural tradition stands for the mythological world outlook that reveals the archetypal content of the attitude of a modern man to his time. One of the most meaningful form of appealing to tradition, to the past is a myth and mythology as a system of philosophical concepts and generalizations of the most archaic stereotypes, ancient times of cultural development. New, neomythological outlook is based on the revival of mythological consciousness, appealing to the unconscious sphere, as a necessary condition of self-consciousness of a modern man, who is in search of his spirituality more often opens path back to himself through a myth. Ukrainian myths, unlike German and Russian ones, are imbued with humour and optimism, and folk mythology expresses the most typical mental picture of the nation. As the result of the study the author has concluded that myths are an integrated part of the national worldview, world-perception, and world-understanding. Every cultural model permanently creates myths as an instrument of cognition and understanding of surrounding, as a mean of existence sense-making. And new postmodern era isn’t exception. Neomythological processes in the modern Ukrainian society are based on humour and optimism as meaningful, influential features of the national worldview.

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