
Due to a number of objective reasons (the aging of pedagogical personnel, a request for a new type of lecturer), pedagogical education becomes in demand, the continuity of which is due to the specifics and peculiarities of pedagogical activity. The quality of training for the educational environment is determined by the ability to integrate pedagogical and scientific activities, which is proved by researchers. The nature of professional tasks in any sphere of activity in modern conditions is distinguished by abundance of situations of uncertainty, which requires a special culture of thinking. The article proves, on the basis of the difference between pedagogical activity and scientific activity, the need for master degree students to form the «psychology and pedagogics of professional education» course of methodological culture as a special form of pedagogical consciousness. For gaining an insight into the essence of theoretical pedagogical knowledge, it is necessary to take a certain methodological side, having mastered the scientific methods of understanding pedagogical processes. In the course of masters' methodological culture formation, the importance of the theoretical and methodological base is understood, on the basis of which a comprehensive analysis of the problem is carried out, conceptual ideas are substantiated, educational technologies are found and methodological recommendations are given. The article draws attention to the definition of pedagogical research logic and the level of its methodology adequately to the pedagogical science methodology which serves as a theoretical justification for pedagogical activity. Attention is drawn to the fact that a high level of a lecturer's professional readiness is determined by the availability of methodological literacy which contributes to obtaining reliable new scientific knowledge about pedagogical processes, mechanisms and content. The experience of their scientific preparation is presented, the understanding of which made it possible to develop the concept of the formation of a methodological culture, the dominant of which is the «Methodology and methods of organizing scientific research» discipline. Each of the four stages of the organization is represented by algorithms of methodological characteristics that as a whole determine the logic of scientific search. In accordance with this concept, lecturer-researchers are trained at the level of master's and postgraduate studies at Samara National Research University.

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