
Industrial hemp as a source of fiber is a valuable industrial raw material. In modern conditions, the lines of its primary processing should produce the same type of fiber with different characteristics, depending on the requirements for the properties of the finished fiber. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the scheme for processing industrial hemp based on the characteristics of hemp. Five primary processing lines were compared, including domestic flax equipment (M-110L2 grinding machine, DLV-2 disintegrators, and TG-135L shaker machines with a lower comb field). As raw materials the industrial hemp from Penza region, harvested in the spring, was used. The mass of one handful is 100 g, the loading density is 0.5 kg/m, the twist is three times. Raw materials were loaded into each machine manually. After primary processing by instrumental methods, hemp grade and characteristics were determined according to GOST 9993-2014. The scheme of the line for primary processing of industrial hemp in the form of tangled mass of stems of various lengths, which allows the production of the same type of hemp with different values of technological characteristics, has been developed. For the production of the same type of hemp with an average mass length of fiber 142 ... 144 mm, a mass fraction of bonfire of 1.6 ... 2.2%, a weighted average linear density of 11 ... 12 tex, the line should include a pulping machine, a disintegrator, two shaking machines; with characteristics respectively 235 mm, 7 ... 8% and 12 ... 13 tex - a disintegrator and two shaking machines; 219 mm and 15 ... 16%, 18 ... 19 tex - pulley and two shaking machines. Using the studied set of equipment provides a reduction in capital costs, in comparison with the lines of other manufacturers, by 3 ... 4 times, energy costs - up to 40%

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