
The subject of the research is the migration history of Ukrainians at the pre-industrial stage of social development. The purpose of the article is the historical and economic analysis of migration trends and the identification of geographical vectors of the first migration flows on Ukrainian lands and the institutional factors and socioeconomic consequences of the spread of migration sentiment among the population during the period. The result of the study is the identification of features of the first migration flows in the Ukrainian territory, the classification of migration according to its causes, the identification of directions of the resettlement of Ukrainians and the consequences of emigration of Ukrainians. It was revealed that the labour migration of Ukrainians was preceded by political migration related to the regular attacks of Tatars and Turks, the fall of Kievan Rus, the loss of national statehood, the colonization of Ukrainian lands by foreign states. In spite of a number of negative consequences, the Ukrainian people received both economic benefits and qualitative progress in state-building. At the same time, labour migration led to the irreversible loss of the economically active working population, above all the peasantry, who were the most important group among Ukrainian emigrants. The main factors contributing to the labour migration of Ukrainians were similar: institutional (abolition of serfdom), demographic (reduction of mortality rate, while maintaining high fertility), socio-economic (low-income Ukrainian peasants, mass impoverishment and low standards of living), innovative infrastructure (development of the newest means of communication and large geographical discoveries) that encouraged intercountry resettlement. However, the vector of migratory flows of Ukrainians was rather diverse: Ukrainians under Austro-Hungary (Galicia, Northern Bukovina and Transcarpathian Ukraine) were covered by intercontinental migration (USA, Canada, Brazil and Argentina), while the peasants of the Left Bank and Central Ukraine migrated to the Northern Caucasus and the Far East.

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