
This paper analyzes the modern trends in the development of innovation infrastructure (II) in Russia and abroad. An intensive way of development of foreign technology parks is shown, which, acquiring new qualitative features, become centers of innovation at the international level, i.e. they transform to Innovation Centers (IC). The specific features of IC as an institute of innovative economy are marked. The main trend of the development of the Russian innovation infrastructure is shown as an extensive one, relying mainly on a quantitative increase and a partial modernization of the old elements. This is the path generated by contradictions, shortcomings and mistakes in the actions of the state and business. Some paradoxes of the development of the Russian innovation infrastructure are considered: the lack of reliable information about the quantitative configuration of innovation infrastructure, the lack of unified conceptual tools for the system of II elements, effective mechanisms for their interaction, and the innovation’s demand. The main reasons for the emergence of these paradoxes are associated with the lack of a unified (systemic) approach for solving a problems accumulated in the innovation sphere are analyzed. It is shown that the state attempts directed to the development of innovation policy and its financial support, to introduce various mechanisms of interaction between the participants of the innovation process, revive some II elements, as well as the creation of principal new elements, do not bring the expected results. We propose a number of ways for overcoming the existing paradoxes. They include: developing and implementing a single conceptual framework of innovation policy, the state monitoring and reporting system, and linking innovation infrastructure development plans with Federal Strategies and Programs.

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