
The subject matter of the article is the commercialization of scientific and technical developments in Ukrainian universities. The goal of the work is to develop the systematic approach to the processes of commercialization of scientific and technical developments in universities. The tasks of the study are to determine the organizational and economic mechanisms for the commercialization of scientific and technical developments in universities, which requires that the specifics of the innovative infrastructure in developed countries should be analyzed, negative factors that affect the development of the national innovation infrastructure should be specified, the relationship between the innovative infrastructure and the mechanisms for the commercialization of scientific and technological developments in universities should be determined, the system of principles for effective commercialization of scientific and technical developments at universities should be established. The following results are obtained. The paper shows that the implementation of the mechanisms of commercialization essentially depends on the development of the innovative infrastructure, its components are analyzed. The process of commercialization of scientific and technical developments depends on effective information flows, whose configuration and speed are determined by the capacity of communication channels, by the adaptability of data processed by the structural elements of organizations that participate in the process, by the impact of the external environment. The features of the development of innovative infrastructure in developed countries and in Ukraine are analyzed. The main components of the information infrastructure are considered. The main factors that characterize the effectiveness of the development of the innovation infrastructure are identified. The principles for supporting the processes of commercialization of scientific and technical developments at both macro- and micro- levels are classified. Conclusions. In general, the effectiveness of the commercialization of scientific and technological developments depends both on the development of the national innovation infrastructure and on its internal segment. The intensification of university activities enables developing the system of well-coordinated and operational links of science, education, business and government in general.

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