
The article considers the role of agrarian entrepreneurship in the development of territorial communities of Ukraine. The main objectives of agricultural entrepreneurship in rural areas and its impact on the food security of the community are described. Thus, agricultural development in rural areas is aimed at ensuring the production of food and related industries, which in turn is aimed at ensuring the economic and food security of the territorial community, as well as protecting the environment, cultural heritage, and ensuring the development of other sectors of the economy, as well as supporting the functional development of rural areas. The basic concepts of entrepreneurship in rural areas are defined and described, its resource base is described. Emphasis was placed on the need to introduce modern innovative technologies in entrepreneurial activities in the agricultural sector of the economy in rural areas. The usefulness of supporting the development of craft production, which will use agricultural products produced in the community, as raw materials for its own production, was noted. It includes, for example, the development of private cheese making and the production of craft cheeses. The basis of such individual entrepreneurship is agricultural products produced in the same rural territory by households or family farms. For example, the production of cow and goat milk, carried out by the population in their own households, respecting the conditions of quality and safety of dairy raw materials. A generalized scheme has been developed to ensure the development of the territorial community on the basis of agrarian entrepreneurship. The scheme of financial revenues to the community budget from the development of agricultural entrepreneurship, including with developed processing and production of craft products, was considered. The place of small business in terms of financial revenues to the community budget is determined. If producers of agricultural raw materials are registered as individuals-entrepreneurs, the community receives 60% of the 18% tax on the income of individuals in its own budget and is interested in the maximum number of such entrepreneurs.

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