
In the legal scientific literature, as well as in modern mass media, material is constantly found, which in one way or another relates to the topic of security: national – in the context of the absence of military actions; territorial – in the context of the absence of separatism; economic and financial security – in the form of stabilization of the national currency exchange rate at and acceptable level of inflation; civic, social, environmental, etc. The war that began in Ukraine on 24 February 2022 put security at the top in all contexts. And now, when the brave defenders of Ukraine are fighting for our land, scientists are keeping up their front, continuing their work in the field of scientific research. An analysis of legal doctrine and domestic legislation reveals that modern legal science is insufficiently defined by such a notion as “human security”, which is not formally defined in regulations and is only recognized as a self-understanding phenomenon. There is no doubt that the notion of “human security”, as well as its synonyms in meaning with the notions of “human security”, “personal security”, in the legal literature, human security is undoubtedly the foundation of a democratic regime and the first, one of the main social values which the state must ensure. Therefore, in our opinion, it is urgent and necessary now to carry out fundamental research and determine the definition: what can we call human security, what elements does it consist of, how does it relate to the notion of human rights, who are the subjects of human security? The answers to these questions are complex and require a broad discussion, to which not only lawyers, but also social scientists, philosophers, politologists, representatives of law enforcement agencies, specialists in public administration and others should be invited. This article contains information about the analysis of the concept of human security and its aspects, in order to demonstrate how broad, interesting and complex the concept is and to ask the colleagues to work collectively on the creation of a definition, that has to improve the Ukrainian legislation and make it more modern and effective.

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