
The article reveals the essence of ensuring Ukraine’s economic security through the prism of human security: respect for human and civil rights. It is emphasized that a person, his life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are recognized in Ukraine as the highest social value. Human rights and freedoms and their guarantees determine the content and direction of the state. The state is accountable to the people for its activities. The establishment and protection of human rights and freedoms is the main duty of the state. It is determined that the observance of human rights is a fundamental constitutional principle in Ukraine, the action of which accordingly directs the whole set of socio-political relations. The right to life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security belong to those human rights that are conditioned by its nature and social essence and do not depend on the existence of a certain status of a person in the state. That is why all of them are marked as fundamental in international practice.
 It was emphasized that defining human rights as the highest value, the Constitution of Ukraine joined the European and world vision of this issue, enshrined its universal solution as mandatory for the state and all other participants in public relations.
 It is stated that the main object of security in Ukraine is man, and ensuring the economic security of the state is the most effective tool that can ensure human security.
 The content of the National Security Strategy 2020 on the aspect of enshrining human security through the prism of economic security is revealed. It was emphasized that the ultimate goal of the Strategy is to establish a free, prosperous, secure Ukraine, where the rule of law prevails, where everyone can realize their talents and abilities, where people breathe clean air, drink clean water and connect their destiny. children and grandchildren.
 The main threats to economic security, which are enshrined in the National Security Strategy 2020, as well as the correspondingly regulated areas of human and civil security have been studied.
 It was stated that it is time to counteract threats to national security from the standpoint of the main object that may be in danger - man, because it is man who forms them.
 It is emphasized that the main tool for ensuring human security is to ensure the economic security of the state, because guaranteeing all rights and freedoms of man and citizen, both provided for in the Constitution of Ukraine and others lies in the plane of strong economic potential.
 The definition of a person as the main subject and object of security is formulated.
 Based on the analysis of the study of strategic state documents, conclusions were made on finding ways to increase efficiency and improve human security through the prism of ensuring the economic security of the state.

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