
The purpose of the study was to analyze modern literature on the problems of dysbiosis in patients with COVID-19, to study the main mechanisms of systemic interaction between the intestine and lungs, as well as changes in the microbiota that occur under the influence of coronavirus infection. Materials and methods. A comprehensive selection of research methods was used for the work: systematization of the material, the method of generalization, methods of analysis and synthesis. Scientific works in the field of microbiology, epidemiology and infectious diseases were studied. Literature data for the last 2 years (2019-2021) were considered. The results of bacteriological studies from patients with COVID infection were described. The data obtained were processed using information-analytical and statistical-analytical methods. Results and discussion. As a result of this work, a complex of connections between intestine and lungs, which is called the "intestinal-lung axis", was considered. It is known that the interaction between these two biotopes occurs with the participation of microflora and its metabolites. Dysfunction of the intestinal barrier is accompanied by bacterial translocation. Bacteria from the intestinal lumen enter the liver through the portal vein system. The lymphatic pathway of bacterial translocation from the intestine to the lungs is also possible, which causes multiple organ failure syndrome in coronavirus infection. The COVID-19 virus is able to reduce the number of ACE2 receptors in the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to an imbalance in the intestines. At the same time, the infection process in the lungs promotes the growth of bacteria of the Enterobacteriacae family in the intestine, which also leads to dysbiotic disorders. The use of probiotics is an effective tool in the complex treatment of this infection, which facilitates the general condition of patients. In the course of treatment, it is important not only to eliminate the virus from the body, but also to restore normal intestinal microbiota after an infection. Conclusion. Thus, the use of probiotic drugs for the treatment of patients with coronavirus infection can significantly reduce the risk of developing dysbiosis and improve the condition of patients. A perspective direction is the development of new treatment regimens for dysbiotic conditions using probiotics, eubiotics, synbiotics and postbiotics to prevent the development of severe complications in COVID infection


  • Метою даної роботи було проведення аналізу сучасної літератури стосовно проблем виникнення дисбіозу у хворих на COVID-19

  • Що між двома біотопами безпосередньо відбувається взаємодія за участю мікрофлори та її метаболітів

  • Що між двома біотопами кишківника та легень безпосередньо відбувається взаємодія за участю мікрофлори та її метаболітів [10]

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Метою даної роботи було проведення аналізу сучасної літератури стосовно проблем виникнення дисбіозу у хворих на COVID-19. Дисфункція кишкового барєру супроводжується бактеріальною транслокацією, при якій бактерії з просвіту кишечника через систему воротної вени потрапляють до печінки. Також можливий і лімфатичний шлях бактеріальної транслокації з кишечника до легенів, що пояснює синдром поліорганної недостатності при коронавірусній інфекції.

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