
The paper reveals analytically the essence and special aspects of such phenomenon as “precarization”, which involves wide spheres and groups of modern society and influences negatively the various (social, economic) components of the life of an individual and the population in general. The state of precarious work in Russia is proved by the statistical data for 2004–2015. The center place is given in the paper to the consideration of the problems and causes of mass precarization of employment in the world and in Russia. The authors considered the demographic growth and the rejuvenation of population, globalization processes and the formation of the open global market of goods, services and labor, general human migration, the commercialization of public institutions, scientific and technological progress and robotization to be the global trends. Among the main problems associated with the development of precarization in Russia, the authors specify the low salary level, and, as a consequence, the low solvency of population; weak public confidence in social security due to the instability of state policy systems; the significant number of single-industry towns, whose life is depends completely on the operation of one or two enterprises; the disproportionality between supply and demand of certain categories of employees. These factors contribute to the formation of social injustice, the formation of precariat class in the society structure, the aggravation of contradictions between the rich and the poor, the strengthening of social and political instability. The authors form two groups among the precaria: volunteers and forced precariat. Since they have a completely different attitude to their status, the authors suggest different ways to solve the problems of these groups In general, these economic and social processes require a fundamental study and transformation of the current situation to improve people’s living standards, the precarization inhibition all over the world, and the global economy recovery. Consequently, the goal of the study is the analysis of precarization causes including the specific conditions of Russian social and economic processes and the identifying the main ways to solve this problem.

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