
In the previous chapter, we have laid out a framework that allows us to analyze globalization (i.e., the global complex system process) as a set of nested and synchronized (i.e., coevolving) four-phased temporal learning experiments. Given the time frames in which these processes unfold, the focus of our analysis that aims to answer the question if this process is indeed continuing or not, has to be on the two inner cores of the global system development: At its very center, the global complex system framework places (1) the global economic evolution process (of trading systems and world markets). This process is cyclically related to (2) the global political evolution process (of nation-state systems, world power competitions, and international organizations). The complex global system framework proposes the following evolutionary logic of globalization, constituting a social learning algorithm: 1. variety creation (very broadly: cultural process); 2. cooperation or segregation (social process); 3. selection (political process); and 4. preservation and transmission (economic process). KeywordsSwitching CostShort Message ServiceIntellectual CapitalIntangible AssetExternal NetworkThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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