
Reliability indicators for 0.4-110 kV overhead transmission lines need to be adjusted due to the lack of data on current values of reliability indicators for power system equipment. The authors’ analysis of offi cial statistical data on the number of emergency and scheduled outages in the branches of PJSC “Rosseti Tsentr” and “Rosseti Tsentr i Privolzhye” revealed deviations of the reliability indicators of electrical equipment of power systems and power grids from those presented in RD34.20.574. Also, the analysis showed that the standard presented no values of average downtime for planned outages of 0.4 kV and 6-10 kV overhead power lines. Reliability values of 0.4-110 kV overhead power lines were determined. Failure rate of 0.4 kV overhead lines made 6.2 to 7.04 year-1/100·km, of 6-10 kV overhead lines - 5.27 to 8 year-1/100·km. The “Orelenergo” branch, a failure fl ow of 35 kV overhead lines was 0.57 year-1/100·km, and 110 kV overhead lines - 2.83 year-1/100·km. The calculated value of the average restoration time for 0.4 kV networks was 1.88 h; for 6-10 kV networks - 3.1 h; 35 kV - 6.8 h; 110 kV - 9.5 h. The estimated average number of intentional outages for 0.4 kV networks was 0.1 year-1; for 6-10 kV networks 0.72 year-1; for 35 kV networks 0.4 year-1; for 110 kV networks 0.51 year-1. The average idle time of 0.4 kV overhead lines and 6-10 kV overhead lines amounted to 13.6 hours and 10 hours, respectively. The calculated average downtime of 35 kV overhead lines and 110 kV overhead lines amounted to 24.7 hours and 37.6 hours, respectively. The received data specify modern reliability values of electric 0.4-110 kV networks that can be used when planning measures on developing networks and reconstructing them.

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