
The complexity of the issues of syntax, the variety of syntactic categories and the versatility of their interpretations due to the need for a deep analysis of words and expressions in the field of Kyrgyz linguistics-indicate the relevance of this article. Published in 1992 and making a significant contribution not only to the syntax of the Kyrgyz language, but also to Turkology in general, Abdygul Zhaparov's scientific work on the "Syntactic structure of the Kyrgyz language" tells about the general level of development of the Kyrgyz syntactic science. At the same time, the article describes in detail the new directions and discoveries in the field of syntax of the Kyrgyz language since the 90s. For example, A. Imanov's textbook " Kyrgyz Tili”, published in 1990 for part-time students of higher educational institutions, consists of sections that tell about phrases and sentences. As the main goal of the research,the author sets the study of word combinations and the definition of their grammatical nature. So in order to accurately determine the nature of the phrase, a. Imanov compares a phrase with a word and a sentence, showing its main differences from a stable phrase, and as a result distinguishes a free phrase into a special group. As a result, the author could not bring the concept of a free phrase to its logical conclusion on a scientific basis, completely squeezing it out of use. So at present, both the terms phrase and free phrase are treated as identical concepts. Therefore, our next task in this article is to separate these two concepts from each other and define each of them.

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