
Objective. Assessment of long-term results of surgical treatment of closed ruptures of the extensor tendons of the hand according to the method used in the clinic of JSC National Scientific Center for Surgery named after A.N. Syzganov (Innovation patent number: 19373). Material and methods. From 2020 to 2022, 149 patients were operated on the basis of the “A.N. Syzganov National Scientific Center of Surgery” JSC. The age of patients ranged from 17 to 68 (mean age 36±12) years, men were 84 (57%), women – 65 (43%), 115 patients had fresh damage, 34 patients had long–standing damage to the extensor tendons of the hand in the I-zone. 87 people had an injury on the right hand, 62 on the left. Results. According to the criterion of distal phalanx extension deficiency (V. I. Rozov), only 13 (46.5%) patients had excellent results: complete flexion – 25 distal phalanx extension. In 15 (53.5%) cases, there were poor results: a deficit of distal phalanx extension from 7 to 32°. According to the results of the DASH questionnaire, the situation is somewhat better: 21.3% ±5. Conclusion. In this article, it is possible to use the improved Cuneo tendon suture. In 149 patients with tendon injuries with reflectors, we received the award of the proposed suture. The use of a modified tendon suture makes it possible to increase the surface slip in the observation zone, which opens the exit of the tendon through the bone-fibrous canal and the significant trauma of the surgical operation and the duration of the operation.

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