
The article examines the creative path of the famous Ukrainian opera singer and vocal teacher Maria Eduardivna Donets-Tesseyr. It provides the biographical facts about M. Donets-Tesseyr, her performing and teaching activities on the basis of archive materials of the Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine, works of her pupils and contemporaries, as well as the research of modern art. Some disagreements concerning the facts of her biography, in particular, the year of the birth of the singer, are specified in her own autobiography. This fact is first introduced into scientific circulation. The information is provided on the period of M. Donets-Tesseyr’s studies at various vocal pedagogues, as well as their influence on her becoming a soloist and vocal teacher. Features of personal and creative relations of M. Donets-Tesseyer with her vocal teacher O. Mishuga are analysed on the basis of the singer’s memories. The educational activity of O. Mishuga from the point of view of memories of M. Donetsk-Tesseyr and the statements of O. Mishuga himself is considered. These materials deal with the methodology of teaching vocals and educating an opera singer. The statements of well-known vocal teachers, in particular, O. Mishuga and V. Vanzo, concerning the issues of vocal pedagogy are given. The continuity of the pedagogical principles of O. Mishuga and V. Vanzo in the activity of M. Donets-Tesseyr, as a vocal teacher, and her personal contribution to the development of the methodology for raising high female voices, is highlighted. The peculiarities of the personal development of M. Donets-Tesseyr as a teacher of vocal art are revealed. The significant contribution of the vocal-pedagogical activity of M. Donets-Tesseyr to the development of Ukrainian opera art of the middle of the 20th century is proved.

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