
To delineate and substantiate the nuances of developing information and communication competence in students during mathematics lessons, we conducted an extensive analysis of state educational regulations, including the Law of Ukraine "On Education," the New Ukrainian School Concept, the Concept of Digital Competence Development, the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education, and mathematics curriculum materials. We also scrutinized sources available on the Internet related to international educational monitoring studies and synthesized both international and domestic pedagogical experience. The study asserts that the formation of information and communication competence in students during mathematics education arises from the demands of the school mathematics curriculum. Mandatory learning outcomes in the mathematical education sector encompass requirements characterizing students' information and communication competence. The process of learning mathematics should facilitate not only the overall development of students' personalities but also the acquisition of a system of mathematical knowledge, improvement of problem-solving skills, and an understanding of the importance of mathematics as the language of science, technology, and innovation. Additionally, students should recognize the significance of information and communication technologies in effectively addressing mathematical challenges. The integrated use of information technologies in the educational process, especially in the context of distance and blended learning, contributes to the development of students' information and communication competence. This is contingent upon the methodically sound selection of educational content, didactic materials, and teaching strategies by educators. It is elucidated that the primary means of cultivating students' information and communication competence lies in the specialized system of educational tasks and examples present in school mathematics textbooks. These materials are designed to foster students' personal qualities, creativity, critical thinking, and their ability to generate and articulate their thoughts.

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