
This article concerns theoretical and academic and research issue of assimilation of cultural heritage in the context of globalization, which is nowadays topical at the world and national level. The paper provides a complex analysis of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) state program “Cultural Heritage”, which is aimed at determining its international significance. The work is based on a substantial historiographic resource that includes articles written by the first president of RK N.A. Nazarbaev, famous Kazakhstan and Russian scientists. Historic-cultural heritage of Kazakhstan is positioned as an important integrant of the universal human culture. The “heritage assimilation” concept proposed by O.N. Shelegina has been evaluated with the use of representative empirical base. During this research the authors defined that the international success of the RK strategic program “Cultural Heritage” is due to the legislative and financial support provided by the state, the integration of cultural, scientific and educational institutions and public organizations. The researches held in Kazakhstan began to draw attention of scientists from Japan, Mongolia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Russia and several other countries. Heritage objects such as “Altyn Adam” – “Golden Man”, Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, the cities of Otrar and Turkestan, are historical and cultural brands of Kazakhstan of the world level. The participation of Kazakhstan in the UNESCO Silk Roads Project and the transboundary project “Asian Countries Cultural Heritage Update” possesses high geopolitical and socio-cultural value. The International Scientific Conference “Museum, Museology, Cultural Heritage” (Nur-Sultan, April 2019) became a significant event that reflected the results and prospects of the Program. In general, the RK Cultural Heritage Program belongs to the innovative research and socio-cultural trend space related to heritage assimilation. Step-by-step implementation of actions aimed at consolidation, digitalization and introduction of national heritage of other countries to the scientific and informational turnaround may prove to be an effective algorithm. The international significance of a novel Cultural Heritage Program is determined by its complex multi-level character of heritage assimilation, introduction of assimilated historic and cultural heritage to the educational practice and the sphere of tourism, as well as active cooperation with UNESCO. The authors find it appropriate and promising, accounting the productive international experience of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to perform interdisciplinary research of the issues of heritage assimilation in the context of globalization.

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