
In this article, gets analyzing of military threats to the national security of Ukraine and the role of territorial defense as a component of the military organization of the state to counteract these threats. It also sets out the main provisions on state policy for the protection of national interests, the place and significance of territorial defense. An analyzed of possible threats to Ukraine’s national security, possible military hazards and military threats are in scale, tension, orientation, time rates, etc. - the defined criteria can be used to evaluate both potential and real military threats of the state. Realities of the foreign military-political situation around the country are characterized the emergence of a significant amount of new contradictions of different nature between certain states and whole regions, first of all near the borders of Ukraine, inside of some states it can to acute international, interethnic and other contradictions, mostly on a national or religious basis, and a flare of intolerance in different groups of the population that can lead to instability and conflicts. Given this, can be expected and be prepared to hostile special operations against the background of these manifestations involve a significant amount sabotage and reconnaissance forces. Military danger associated with the possible use of weapons of mass destruction, that previously stored in the world, despite the changes that have been made, for Ukraine can’t be other than global. Taking into account the current trends in the nature and development of the military-political situation with regard to the development of military conflicts, in the near future the most prospect be armed conflicts with the use of their own armed forces, the involvement by the enemy of private armed groups, mercenaries, armed separatist organizations, terrorist groups, as an instrument of achievement of own interests. These conflicts may be in the enemy’s interests. Stages of "frozen conflict" for a long time and at any moment can grow into a war in certain areas. (Prednestrovye conflict, Abkhazia, etc.).Threats to the interests of Ukraine can be classified also by the nature of the contradictions between subjects of international and domestic relations. In our opinion, for ours the state has several major threats. To date, Ukraine has a sad experience of the loss of territories associated with liquidation of nuclear arsenal (Budapest memorandum of 05.12.1994 on guarantees of security in connection with the accession of Ukraine to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear weapons), and the reform of the armed forces of Ukraine - the real disarmament of it. The consequence of it, was the impossible of providing a decent armed response to Russia and its a.s.o. in Crimea and Donbass.Attention should be drawn to Ukraine’s domestic political problems with regard to the Crimea, misunderstandings between the western and eastern regions of Ukraine, pushing and activation of separatist processes and sentiments by individual movements, associations and political forces both externally and internally. Solving these problems is an urgent need of time, because it is a prerequisite for ensuring internal stability and national security of Ukraine.

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