
The article is devoted to the problem of preparing future specialists of the State Emergency Service of Ecology for professional activity by means of information and communication technologies. The concept of "ecological culture", which is considered as a basic element of the system of environmental education, equips a person with the necessary knowledge about the peculiarities of the interaction of society and nature, the course of natural processes, the influence of anthropogenic loads on them and the adverse consequences of such influence, is considered in detail. This especially applies to civil defense specialists who, by virtue of their professional duties, must possess not only specialized knowledge and skills, but also a developed environmental culture. Ecological culture contributes to the development of an ecologically oriented strategy of life and regulates the attitude to the natural environment by moral and scientific means. The basis of the formation of ecological culture is ecological education and upbringing, therefore, precisely in the process of professional training, it is most appropriate to instill ecological culture. The formation of ecological culture should take place by involving specialists in active, creative activities. Such education should be carried out in an active form, using "direct contact" with the natural environment. Specialists should qualitatively build the educational process, select such material that will be understood by the audience and reinterpreted in a valuable way by it, which will contribute to the formation of socially valuable motives in the attitude to nature, instilling the necessary abilities and skills of interaction with the natural environment, raising the level of environmental culture in general. Summarizing what has been said, it should be said that the level of environmental culture of specialists remains low and society needs to intensify the process of forming an ecological culture by means of formal and informal environmental education and training. Environmental education is represented by a system of knowledge aimed at mastering the theory and practice of general ecology, and includes elements of geographical, socio-economic, technical and legal fields of knowledge. Environmental culture of a person is a complex psychological formation, which consists of a system of knowledge, practical abilities and skills, beliefs and learned norms of interaction with the environment. Ecological culture as a basic element of the system of environmental education equips a person with the necessary knowledge about the peculiarities of the interaction of society and nature, the course of natural processes, the influence of anthropogenic loads on them and the adverse consequences of such influence.

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