
The article examines the pedagogical orientation of ecological culture and highlights its formation on specialists of the operational rescue service of civil protection. The relationship between pedagogical and ecological knowledge, necessary for the eco-cultural development of a civil defense specialist, is revealed. The system of criteria for assessing the quality of ecological and pedagogical education is presented and proven, which makes it possible to evaluate the results of the formation of the ecological culture of civil defense specialists. Environmental pedagogical education combines classroom and extracurricular forms, which allow combining theoretical and practical learning, as well as combining learning with professional activity. The pedagogical function is the leading one for the system of ecological and pedagogical education. It provides the pedagogical essence of the professional training of the future emergency rescue service specialist and strengthens the formation of the specialist's ecological culture. Pedagogical and methodical training and especially such educational disciplines and optional courses as "Fundamentals of the specialist's ecological culture", "Methodology of environmental education" contribute to the professionalization of the operational and rescue service specialist in the formation of ecological culture. To develop the theoretical foundations of ecological and pedagogical education, it is not enough to simply accumulate information from ecological, pedagogical, psychological, methodical and other sciences, since ecological and pedagogical education has the most important aspects - the formation of ecological culture and the personal and professional readiness of students for an ecological worldview. Based on methodological positions, the study of ecology is aimed at the system of human interaction with the environment and determining the place and role of man in this system. Experimental data on the results of assimilation of ecological knowledge are presented, which confirmed the effectiveness of the implementation of the ecological pedagogical education system in the formation of the ecological culture of a specialist. It has been proven that this method of forming the ecological culture of future specialists contributes to more effective professional training of specialists, reveals his rational and emotional sphere, makes it possible to understand the main meaning of universal human values, gradually changing both the system of relations and the behavior of the acquirer in the ecological environment, directing him towards genuine concern for the surrounding world.

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